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What’s Happening

User Submission

12/13/11 Lincoln Elementary

I don’t use plastic bags anymore. Emilio Mora

Did You Know

12/09/11 Falk Elementary

Did You Know! The carbon dioxide emissions caused by lighting is equal to 70% of global emissions from passenger vehicles and is three times more than emissions from aviation.

Turn Off Your Lights

12/06/11 Sandburg Elementary

Be looking for some students to be coming in your rooms to put a removable sticker on your light switch. This will help you remember to turn it off when you leave the room.

User Submission

12/02/11 Shorewood Hills Elementary

Shall we write an MG&E and KEEP grant for a solar panel? Principal Ebbe// BK

Vampire Hunting

11/30/11 Lincoln Elementary

We’ve been vampire hunting in all of the REACH classes this week. Using a set of ’Kill-a-Watt’ meters, students are investigating how much power is being used in a variety of appliances even when they are turned off. It’s amazing how many sneaky things we’ve found that are ’energy vampires’. By adding up the total watts the appliances are drawing, we figured out that about 5-10% of a household’s or school’s electricity could be going to waste and adding unnecessary cost to the bill. We’re now looking around our classrooms to see where the vampires lurk.

Lake View Energy Audit

11/28/11 Lake View Elementary

The Lake View Power Patrol had an opportunity to meet with Glenn Bolt for an energy audit. Mr. Bolt showed students how to use a light meter to measure the light level in room. The school district standard for a classroom is 45-50 and we found out that sunlight can register over 2,000 on the light meter! Mr.Bolt made some energy saving recommendations for our school including closing classroom doors to keep the heat in and not using the set of overhead lights nearest the windows.

User Submission

11/22/11 Lincoln Elementary

Use LED lights anywhere that you can use. Get a grant to put in natural lighting for our school.


11/18/11 Emerson Elementary

As of today, all classrooms have hanging by their lightswitch, a checklist, that can be gone over each day. One of the biggest changes our Staff has made is keeping doors closed. Our school, we learned last week, has a system that brings in fresh air from the outside. This air gets pushed through the boiler and that air comes through our high vents. Heat for our classrooms is also put out by steam in our radiators. Our halls are only heated by a few radiators. This means that, by design, our school is supposed to have cooler halls and warmer rooms. This only works if doors are closed.

Mrs. Pawelski’s Class Uses Reuseable Water Bottles

11/18/11 Emerson Elementary

"Our class loves our reusable aluminum water bottles! Every time we take a sip from them we feel like we are helping our environment!" On Fridays we are also going to start having the students each take the "Take Action Quiz" on the netbooks during Science!!!

Taking The Pledge

11/17/11 Falk Elementary

Come on Falk Falcons....let’s take the pledge.